Thursday, September 24, 2009

So.... long....

"Please... please, just don't-"
"Jay, you had your chance. You could've simply sent him back here, but you failed. You failed your mission."
"What... what are you talking about?"
"Obviously that part of your mainframe was damaged before you were accessed. Too bad, you would've been a fine soldier, but you failed. So long, sir. You were a good General."
"What are you--!?"

{Yes, I ended the series. I figured I was lost, there was just about nothing I could do to the story. Later on this year, I might start off with a new character. Who knows, maybe it will string into this story as well. Or I might repair Jay. It depends, I never got feedback, so I didn't know if anyone liked where we were going, or what. Sorry, I'll try again sometime.}

Sunday, September 20, 2009

An announcement

[Okay, I'm starting to think of a few things about this story. I'm really thinking about dropping this thing. I haven't really been playing Fallout for fun anymore, and mainly the only times I'm able to open it up is fo screenshots. Sure, every now and again I start playing for fun, but not often enough for it to be a fun experience. Sorry to all my loyal readers, but I'm running out of ideas. I'll also be deleting some of my previous posts, due to on the spot story changes. If you have any good ideas for me, just email with ideas. Thanks to a lot of things coming up I haven't been able to post daily like when I started the blog. If I get ideas, though, I'll keep the thing up and running.]

Day 33,

Yup. Back to the pen and paper. I like Rivet City. It's fun here, but there's something odd about this "Harkness" character. I think Red might have known something when I first met her. I also found a few leads on that book labeled "The New Church". I don't know why I write in this. I might stop, because there really is no point in it. I'm not important in any way, so no one will find this important. Tomorrow, Sam and I are on our way out the door (again). I need to get back to Oasis. It's time for vengeance. Maybe, I might actually take care of John while I'm there... On other news, I think I might go ahead and take out Oasis. Throw away the garbage. It's hard to believe I was raised with a bunch of people who shun Technology. Irony at it's finest, eh?

I was listening to Galaxy News Radio today, and apparently there's some "Lone Wanderer" That helped him boost his radio signal. I still remember his words, they kind of stick with me "You can't stop the signal!" Sounds oddly familiar.... On note of this "Church" there's a Christianity church here, and they said the writing on the book reminds them of "The Church of Atom". Typical. It was sitting under my nose the whole time. Why was there a bible of church just recently made, in a slave pen? I'll find this answer soon enough.

I have to go, I think Sam is getting crazy with Li. Farewell until next time,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

500 Views (Almost)

500 Views!!!!!!(Almost)

Almost 500 views! I won't be able to check out tomorrow, and I'm guessing that five vies will probably be gained in between now and tomorrow. So, here are some of the mods I've been using. I haven't quite been able to try out ALL the mods from my advertisement forum (sorry, guys) but I managed to fit in a few of them. To start:

Return To Shady Sands

==This was a fun one. I really liked it, but if you're not 18+ I don't recommend it, there are a few "dirty" parts. This may make people want to play it more, but I tried. The story took a while, and I wanna say I had fun. I didn't do all of it on the Exile, but I managed to try it out.

The verdict: ****

I had to restart my game because of some glitch when I planted the charge, when I leveled up there, I crashed the game. If I went and killed somethig else until I leveled up, it orked fine. I'm not sure what happened.


==Eveyone knows FOOK is great, and I'm prtty sure most people will like it. Not sure what all to say, kinda difficult to explain it.

The verdict: *****

Come one, you can't deny FOOK 5 stars, it's just awesome sauce. In a can.

MMMF3 RC 4.1

==Loved it. liked beingable to incorporate the (may) Night ghoul attacks, and victim of Feral Ghoul Rampage and Increased Spawns, I must say this is a great mod. With the now FOOK2 compatibility, this is perfect for anyone that likes this game.

The verdict: *****

Same with FOOK, but this one's in a box, not a can.


==I know, I linked ths a while back. I just think I should show it off.

The verdict: ****

I liked it, the music sure did give me a fright, and the song REALLY fit the Night Ghoul swarms, it always seemed to change to an awesome song when I saw the first blip on my radar. I give tis 4, though, because sometimes the song would just not fit, especially when I was fighting a deathclaw, it felt like changeing the station just because there weren't enough "Extreme Horror" songs in the play list, but hey. That's just me.

If I'm right, I got all of my mods that I'm using right now tat coincide with the story. Now for Future Mods!


Okay, these are some of the mods that I'll be using soon enough, depending on how some other things are going.

A Note Easily Missed


Callighans Mindblast-Psychic Powers

Warhammer 40K Space Marine Armor

I hope you guys like these mods, and you'll have to wait until these get used to find out how they ARE used. Any guess you make will be (most likely) crushed. Just like the--- Nevermind. That's another story for another time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

[DAY 26-29]

"Are you okay!?"
"I... I don't feel well..."
"I wouldn't, not if I was in your place."
"What? *cough* What happened? And did I just cough?"
"Yeeeeah, don't you remember what happened?"
"Here, lemme find the recordings...."
"Is that my hard drive?"
"If you'll give me a second..."

[DAY 26]
"We have GOT to stop going out at night..."
"Sorry, man. Figured we could make it back before AUGH!"
"I got ya, Sam!"
"Okay, ready the nuke!"
"Get out of here Sam!"
"Way ahead of ya!"
"You okay, Dave?"
"Yeah, just little scrambled."
Feeeeel the FEV
"Wait,did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
Let it CONSUME you...
"There it was again!"
"Maybe we should get you checked out..."
"ACK! What was that!?"
"What was WHAT!?"
"Like.. like a prick on my neck...."
"Yeah, let's head back to Big Town."
"No, we're closer to Megaton. Let's finish out.. AGH!!!"

[DAY 27]
"Okay, the next medical caravan is on it's way, let's get going..."
"What was that?"
Efffffffffffffffff eeeeeeeeeeeeee"
"Okay, Dave, you're starting to creep me out..."

[DAY 28]
"Is, is there anything you can do, Doc?"
"I'm not a doctor, I'm an engineer. But I'll see what I can do"
"What on Earth...!?"

"What was in that last one...?"
"Here, see a few pictures"
"Why can't I take my own..?"
"Just look at these!"
"Oh my...."
"You're lucky that man could help you. He just managed to pull out your mainframe before the brain developed"
"I'm... I'm human?"
"Not exactly. Your bones are some synthetic material that produce those nanobots like regular blood cells... It's like you evolved from a regular android to... this"
"Who helped me?"
"Washington, Picleman, I don't know. He saw us while we crossed the broken bow of Rivet City. He pulled us in, and now you're still alive"
"This is strange... wait, weren't we supposed to go to Megaton?"
"Simms said that the man you're looking for headed here when we got there."
"Great. Just a big game of Cat and Mouse."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sorry, readers

I got a corrupted save on my Fallout 3 copy. I won't be able to add episodes for the next few days because I have to catch up to The Exile. Sorry for all my loyal viewers, but I should be able to add new episodes sometime next week. Sorry, again.

Friday, September 11, 2009

[DAY 25]

"You got those Satchels ready, Dave?"
"Yeah just a- *RATATATATAT* - Just a second..."
"Alright, I'll finish ths off and you can had out. I'll push the switch,"
"*pant pant* SAAAAAAM!?"
"Sam? Sam! You doing okay?"
"Considering I fell fifty feet after a huge explosion... I'm doin' fine"
"Oh tahnk god, I thought oyu died in that explosion! Why'd you blow it up when you were still in there?"
"The Queen was proving too tough. Had to 'splode something, ya know?"
"Ugh. Whatever. Let's justgo home and--"
"This.. piece of paper. Just blew across my leg. Just a minute..."
"What's that?"
"Some sort of letter."
"Well, there's our adventure for tomorrow!"
"Yeah, I'll have to think about this. Meet ya back at the trailer?"
"Yeah, see ya"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

[DAY 24]

"Ugh. You sure this is the guy?"
"My HUD says it is, and it runs blood samples. Hate to say it, but Raz is dead."
"Heh. This is gonna be good, eh?"
"What, how do you mean?"
"We get unrestrained vengeance on these damn scorpions. And from where this note is leading, this ain't gonna go well with Bebe."
"Yeah. We sure do have a colorful time."
"I have no idea why I came down here."
"That was random."
"Just tryin' to start a conversation"
"In front of a dead body? Lemme get a pic, then we'll be off to break the ice,"
"Bebe? We have something to talk to you about..."
"It's about Razlo... we found this note. It mentioned you."
"Him? I'm glad we broke up!"
"Raz is..."
"Dead, He's dead."
"Oh. Oh my god. Did he have any sort of letter?"
"Yeah, uh, here."
*uncontrollable sobbing*
"Are you... Are you gonna be okay?"
"Ye-yeah. *sobs* I'll be fine"
"Alright. Let's get some rest, and in the mornin' we'll stop by a store and pick up some heavy weapons,"
"Got it, Dave. See ya tomorrow"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

[DAY 23]

"Ugh, how do we keep- *RATATATATAT* getting into these messes?"
"This is the second one, and they're just scorpions. You never shot these as a boy, eh?"
"No joke- ACK!!- GET IT OFF OF ME!"
"I got ya, Dave! *KAAAAAAAAAAAAABOOSH!* Whoops."
" 'Ere ya go! *BOOMM!* DANG IT!"
"Screw this."
[Inner system wash- ACTIVATED]

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"y-you okay, Dave"
"Yeah, I-I think so..."
"Thinking isn't a good thing, you gotta know,"
"Ugh. I can't tell. Is that... IS THAT MY LEG!?"
"Keep it down, Dave. You might alert another Deathclaw,"
"Wait a minute. When did I pass out?"
"Five minutes after that Deathclaw shredded through the 'Ghouls. Thank God, you were metal and I was covered in blood, so the dumb thing thought we were dead,"
*more moaning*
"You sure you're gonna be okay, man?"
"Yeah... Yeah. Turning on the microphone was a bit harder with half of my wiring shot. We anywhere near Big Town?"
"Just outside it. I don't think you'll be able to walk with just a single leg, much less me."
"What happened?"
Couple of scratches... nothing too major..."
"Left pocket... syringe. Jab that in your neck. It has nanomachines in it, same as me. It'll heal up those wounds pretty fast, but it won't last as long as mine. I'm full of em. Can you hand me my leg too?"
"You okay!?"
"Yeah... that was tingly. Here,"
"Okay, AG! There... keg's back ooo...."
"Dave? DAVE?"
"Ugh... I need... to make it to Red..."
"There's a man from the Commonwealth in Shady Sands. I'll take you there,"
[Connection Lost]
[1 hour later]
"What in the? Sam? Sam!? Sam!"
"Good to see you awake."
"Not used to the green?"
"Green? Okay. Nightvision. What happened?"
"Night Ghoul eyes. Decided to try one myself. Gves you a kick. I shoved one in your mouth about a minute ago,"
"Ugh. I auto took a picture. Where are we?"
"Welcome to Shady Sands, my friend. Home of a bunch of people under constant Deathclaw Raids,"
"How so?"
"Just fought off about 3 of 'em."
"Well, you get us any jobs?"
"Yeah, actually. We got a radscorp' infestation. Reminds me of the time when Spiketails were raiding my home town's farm..."
"Radiated Beavers. They grew massive with spikey tails,"
"Yeah. Got it."
"Well, we better pack up for the job."
"We got a place to sleep?"
"The best I could find was a crashed camper. Just one matress though."
"I'll stay up. Not much of a big deal. As long as my eyes stay in their sockets I'll be able to solve the scorpion problem,"
"Well, this was day 21. Later."

Monday, September 7, 2009

A New Ally

"Okay, I'm gonna try out a new way to record. I'm going to record my journey as I go along. Today is Day 21. I think I may be able to get outta here..."
"What's that noise?"
"Sorry, Sam. Just talkin' to myself,"
"Well, stay in that pit. You don't want to know what'll happen to you if you try to crawl out,"
"As I was saying, I'm going to record key things going on. I'll turn off the recorder when I'm just walking around. Hey, Sam, you ever heard of Shady Sands!?"
"What? THAT place? What do you want to do, go to that hell hole?"
"I found this holo' in here. It said something about Shady Sands. I think I wanna go there."
"Well, you're my prisoner, you're staying in THAT hole!"
"I killed an Outcast. I'll give you his Combat Armor if you wanna come WITH me."
"Fine. Whatever. But you may want to wait 'til mornin'. The Night Ghouls are on the prowl..."
"Nah. It's fine. Trust me, I'm a robot. You may need to be careful, but I'm probably going to fair better."
"Okay. Whatever you say... what's your name again?"
"Dave. Call me Dave."
"Sheesh. It takes you long enough to tell me your name, I can't believe how you are in a fight,"
"I'm good enough to put your nose up your ass in a second, so why don't you shut up about it?"
"Hey, man, calm down. I was just makin' a funny."
"I'm not use to your 'Funnies'. I'll probably warm up to you when you stop pointing a gun to my FREAKIN' HEAD!"
"Alright, alright. I just don't know who YOU are either."
"Okay, let's just go..."
[Eight minutes later]
"Shit, Sam, can I trust you for five seconds with a flash light?!"
"Lemme just take a few pics..."
"Quiet down, Sam! You'll only attract more of them!"

[Connection Dead]

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rockopolis and Sam

[Today, I am introducing the first player designed member into my story. If anyone is interested, just send me an email]

Day 20,

I found Rockopolis, but not after a bloody battle. A MASSIVE swwarm of Night Ghouls attacked me. Maybe, 20 or 30 of them. Luckily, I had a couple of Molotov Cocktails. I managed to get a picture of the fiery aftermath. This was just before ANOTHER swarm came after me, apparently old ones risen from the dead. It was a like a horror movie, except I survived, and standing over about 30 dead corpses, I felt like a god. There was no way to explain the feeling, but it was extinguished immediately. A bunch of Outcasts came and told me to drop any tech I had. I had no choice, I had to kill them. No pictures of that, killing someone who hasn't harmed anyone before... it makes me feel bad about myself.. I feel no better than the slaver scum that I hate so much. Speaking if which, I still need to get back to Megaton to drop off that letter.

Anyway, here's the pic of the Ghouls:

Uh-oh. It seems I have a data corruption. I'm getting an alert: PIPOS DATA DRIVE ERROR

I guess that's the system that James used for my brain... oh well. Other news: I made it into Rockopolis, I checked out that moveable rock, and I made it in, and was surprised to see someone livin' in there. He said his name was "Sam*hic*uel" what an interesting name. I took a quick image, and lets hope this works:
Yes! I got it to upload! The problem was, he was shooting at me, then he told me to go into this pit. I'm gonna jump out tomorrow, and show him who's boss. He seemed a little drunk, but maybe he'll be able to stick with me. He was drunk, but he still landed most of his shots on me. He was a little creeped by the "Bouncing off my skin" thing, but he figured it'd be better to just imprison me. I'm actually recording from in the cave. Here's a pic from where I'm stuck:


Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Long Hike

[I'm working on downloading FOOK2, but no one's answering my questions on the load order. I cannot take pictures until I understand how to install FOOK2]

Day 19,

I went on my way to Rockopolis today. I couldn't find the entrance, so I've been wandering around trying to find anything interesting. I don't have much to say, except I saw a man running into this garage. As I walked by it, I could've sworn I heard some loud grinding noise coming from underneath me. I went over, and I think I saw a rock that looked movable, but for some reason I just couldn't focus on it.

On my way over, I saw someone that was drunk. They were wandering around, and when I came around the corner there was nothing there. I might be hallucinating, but I swear I saw someone. Maybe they found the entrance to Rockopolis. I was walking around there and I noticed the boulder was moved, but it might be a Deathclaw nest. I'm not going in there today, but in daylight tomorrow I'll go inside.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Deathclaw Hunting and other Extreme Sports

Day 18,

The title of this holo' says it all. I got a picture of me, but I had to... I'll spare you the details. I was strolling around at sunset, looking for something to take up my time. I'll actually wait a few days before I give Devs the letter. This calm life... you can't get enough of it. Well, then again, this wasn't so calm after all. First, I walked right over to our friendly neighborhood school, minus the friendly part. I looked over and there were dead raiders all over the place. I almmost vomited at the sight of the blood. You see, I didn't explain this, but I'm the most realistic android to date. I have actual, well I guess artificial, artificial tissue. It works, acts, feels, and looks like actual human bodyparts. I have all the same organs as you do, except the brain. But, I wasn't vomiting at the corpses, I was vomiting at THIS:

Apparently some raider was caught with 'Matriarch Meat, and it's young was there to see it happening. I didn't catch a photo of the mauling, but I managed to kill the Deathclaw. It got bored after trying to cut off my arm and watching it hang in midair then reatach. After that, I left, picked up a picture of myself, and went home. It was about midnight, and I started listening to this odd radio station when I saw a dead raider sprawled on a rock. I thought it was gonna pop up behind me, so I just shot up the body, and left.

Oh, and here's the picture of me:



Well, I knew this day would come, and it came waaay quicker for my friend, but I figure I'll just settle with this. Congratulations! If you're reading this, you were one of the 190 views that got me here! Yes, I got 60 views from myself because of A) Checking my Views, B) Refreshing until I hit 50 views (I'm guilty, but I'm sure you understand) and C) Writing new Chapters!!!

Now, since I'm a quarter of the way to my goal, I'm accepting any and ALL mod requests. I'm about to find a couple of Fallout blogs and try to boost my views, so if you have a mod you want me to include, just let me know. I'll download it, show it off, and enjoy when I get those chances to play to game. I'll try to make the mod important to my story, so go ahead and tell me what you want to see. Also, if you have any characters you want me to include, just let me know. I have a save in front of the vault, and a ~ key (as you know), so I can make ANYTHING I want! Unless you have a moded character, then I get to advertise more mods!

Another thing: I'm going to put a donate button in a while because my laptop is a year old, and in order to get FO3 to work the way it was imagined to work, I need to get my laptop upgraded.

(Sorry, but apparently Blogger has a glitch. My text is permanently huge for the 250 Views section)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rockopolis and Revenge

[Yup. Another feedback request. I guess no one cares to tell me what they think, but I'm seriously running out of ideas. If anyone wants me to introduce their character into the story, (other than Devs) I'll do my best. I have a save at the vault, so I can do anything I feel like. Also, if you want to suggest some strange push into the story, type it up like I would type my 'journal' entries, I'll copy and paste. Think of it as a make your own adventure. Just email me. ALSO my Print Screen button is almost fixed, I just have to click it into place. Pictures available tomorrow!]

Day 17,

Well, a couple of strange things have been going on. I went out to some abandoned school, and it looks like a bunch of people came in and killed everything. I'm gonna leave a note at Devs' doorstep for him to meet me at Oasis. I have to make a stop before we move towards Paradise Falls. Plus, it's not too long of a walk. I feel I have... unfinished business, I need to learn a bit more about my history. After this, I won't need to do anything with Devs anymore. He can live his life, and we'll both get our revenge. But then again... maybe I can do this myself. I'll give him an option. He'll either drop his note in the empty shell of the bomb, or I'll go alone. It's his choice, and I have a strange feeling that he'll pick the first one. I'll be in his debt, and he call on the almighty Favor any time he needs after this, but I need to get this off my... chest.

I think I might go searching for some fable of the wasteland. I've heard things about a Rockopolis, but I need to know more abou--- oh, wait. Here comes the feed. Just a minute

Hmm, it may not be such a good idea to go there. I read something about Herbert "Daring" Dashwood, and it said thatRockopolis is uninhabited because of slavers. More the reason to wipe out Paradose Falls. Who knows, I may find something interesting there, though. I think it's interesting, because my android abilities allow me to hack any terminal with a single thought. I have to go though, I need to write that letter to Devs. I hope to get an answer tomorrow, but I'm giving him a week to decide. This IS his chance, though. He can make up for Lucky's capture, and I think that Lucky is still alive.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Seeing in the Dark and other Scientific Anomalies

Day 16,

Yup. Another one of those days. I found out whereI was supposed to go, and I met a girl named Moira. I told her what was going on, and, it turns out, she used to work with James. She said something about Technicaly being my mother, but I zoned out. She told me James made me a few upgrade packages in case I made my way out of Oasis. I figured I wouldn't tell Moira how I got out of Oasis, but she just pushed a button and I was out. I mean, not like I fell asleep, it's like I just... I don't have any memory spanning from 8:00 to noon. She said something about turning me off, but I don't care. Let me get to the point.

Among Moira's enhancements I am almost a human. She gave me some sort of artificial blood, but it's really nanobots. They'll cure me of any poisons, repair my.. skin if it get's damaged, that sort of thing. Just to make sure I can live a long... life. I can regrow my limbs now, the nanobots have these generators that can create metal and repair me in about.. 2.5 milliseconds. So, if my arm gets cut off, the gap is immediately repaired before it gets to far away from my body. I also see at night. I have this implant in my eyes that allows me to see in the dark, and she told me that the other people that worked with me had a bunch of other implants they dropped all over the place. Along with that, I can turn invisible. I have this object with nodes built in under my skin, that allows me to turn transparent. It's awesome.

On top of all this, I now have solar chargers. As long as it's daytime, I can do anything I want. I'm almost done implanting that camera in my eye, and I put it just in front of my hud, so unless I rearrange on the fly, you won't have to look at my system repair levels, battery power, or crosshair. Oh, crud. The thieve's back just a second.

Get back here you coward!

What do you mean? I just tripped and-- AUGH!!!!!

*smack, smack smack BANG!*

Please, don't--- AHHHHH!!!!


I love my flamer. It makes everything better.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Day 15,

Finally, I'm home, and I have scars to prove the trip. Simms didn't recognize me, so I told him what happened. I got attacked by these really, really weird things called Night Ghouls, or at least that's what my HUD calls them. Yeah, I have a HUD implanted in my eyes. Same thing with my camera. Today I'm going to implement my Data Cartridge thing with my eyes, and I'll be able to take pictures, the only problem is I may not be able to hide the HUD from the pictures. That'll take some time.

Red gave me a few new things, and she said that after her friend, Sticky got back to Big Town, they'd work together on this suit of power armor that will push my abilities to their extent, as well as give me a boost. I still have some business to take care of here, but as soon as I'm done with the slavers, I'm off towards some place called 'Smith Casey's Garage'. Apparently my dad was last located there. I can also walk around outside without anyone worrying, because no one knows about a 'Dave' that lives in Megaton. I'm also taller, almost as tall as a human, thanks to Red. I'll remember to ask her if I need anything to happen.

Wadsworth, my robotic butler, understood I was an android before I had figured out myself. He mentioned something about the 'Machine Spirit' as well. Talking about the 'Emperor' that created him. I think something's malfunctioning, because as far as I know RobCo built him. I think I should see if I can work on him and mess around with his processing unit to find out if it's a virus or something else. I also saw that a burglar broke into my house. He stole my Oasis clothing, but saw my journal and let it be. I guess Wadsworth was doing a system reboot because he doesn't have any recordings of the burglary.

I need to go out searching for that map again, I left it in the bomb. I'll write tomorrow about what i found
