Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Storm on the Horizon

Day 2,

I know it's later than usual, but John came by and tried to offer me a deal. He said that if I became his personal slave, he'd let me free and I could tag along with him on some search for a man named "A3-21". I told him no and he tried to grab at me, but cut himself up on the barbed wire window. I'm writing in the light of the mushrooms that Squirrel and someone else from his home used to make. He said that they cure radiation, so I'm gonna save some of them for when we escape. We made a hose that will water those plants that I made so that they can burrow a hole from our pen to the one next to us, but every time we tell the old man that stays awake all night he babbles on about how he never knew that we were fly swatters. One of the other slaves says that he's losing his hearing through his old age, but that never happened to the Treeminders. Must be the radiation.

Last night for dinner the slavers came by and fed us table scraps, sadly that usually meant the stick and tiny rotten bits of iguana. Squirrel used some of the twigs on my robes to spice the Radiation Mushrooms and we ate those instead. He has a few friends with him, a girl named Penney, and... I forget his name but there's another boy here who usually gets dragged to Jotun's house. He comes back crying, so I think Jotun abuses him. As soon as we get a chance, I'm going to convince someone to go into the head slaver's house. I think he's called Eulogy or something like that. I've never actually seen him, he usually gets someone else to do his dirty work, and there's a Brahmin outside of our pen that will probably attack us if we got out, so I think we'll have to take care of that before we get out. Squirrel also says that he's working on a surprise for me at his home town, so I hope we can get out of here soon.

I found a small lump in my robe today, too. I think Maple slid something in there before I left Oasis. I pulled it out before I wrote today, and it was a note, telling me to look for a town called "Megaton". I'm afraid, though, because John was talking about some pickup he needs to make there, probably some high value slave. I also heard something about a man named Lucky, and his bodyguard Lucy. I think that they're just a slaver and his slave, but from the way they're talking about it... I think Lucky may be in trouble.

I have to go, I hear Jotun yelling at that other boy again, so I should go step in.


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